Extensions & Conversions

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Why Acelux


Safety is our highest priority, making sure all our staff members work to all health and safety regulations.


We work efficiently and fast to make sure we hit your deadline. It will be done before you know it!

High Quality

Everything we do is at a high quality. We use the best quality materials and tools to get the perfect finish.

What is Commercial Services?

We know from experience that working in a newly refurbished office can often make staff members happier and can also sometimes increase productivity.

We often carry out commercial renovations in occupied offices. If staff members are still located in the office when the works are being carried out we ensure there is a limited amount of disruption. We do this by working out of hours during the week or weekends causing no disruption to staff.

We have in-house health and safety procedures in place to ensure all third parties are in a safe environment. This is always laid out before commencement of work.

All works are carried out quickly and efficiently by following our strict programme that is agreed before the commencement of work.

Services we provide:

  • Meeting rooms with acoustic partitioning
  • Lighting
  • Heating
  • Electrics and data
  • Air Conditioning
  • Decorating
  • Flooring
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“Acelux did a brilliant job on our office refurb. We were very happy with the work completed as well as the service. They were able to come out of office hours during the bank holiday weekend, finish on time, and even stopped back in on Tuesday to make sure we were all happy with the works.”

Miss Markus

“Acelux recently undertook a 3 year programme of residential refurbishments/conversions. Aceluxs performance was first class throughout from initial assistance with cost and construction advice at feasibility stage, right through to on-site delivery. Acelux provide a quality construction team with most trades provided in house. All projects were delivered on time and within budget with all times. Acelux are an active and vocal participant in the project team; always challenging the brief so that projects get delivered quicker and cheaper but never at the expense of quality or safety.”

LukeClient Reference

“We undertook a full refurbishment of our house including a garage conversion, extension, new electrics, new plumbing, 3 new bathrooms, 1 toilet and a new kitchen. We have been really happy with Les and his team. They have been really professional, delivered on their promise on timings and have been on cost. The quality of their work has been first class and they have been proactive in helping us make changes to the specification by recommending solutions in advance of problems arising. All in all very happy and would recommend!”

Client Reference